IDENTITY – Shattered Reflection

Apr 21, 2024    Pastor Glenn Garvin

The good news! God made us out of mud and fashioned into us His image, His very likeness of attributes. Sure, we got our moral capacity, dominion, and power over creation – just like God. However, we also received a free will which came with the capacity to do right or do wrong, good, or evil. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow nailed it in poem about a little girl, but clearly it’s about all of humanity, “There was a little girl, Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, She was very good, But when she was bad she was horrid.” Why is their evil & suffering in this world? Look in the mirror and see our shattered reflection. But God is the master of Kintsugi, golden repair. Let’s find out how God restores the broken!